
Mol Genet Genomics是SCI期刊吗

所属栏目:SCI期刊 发布时间:2023-11-10浏览量:812   

  Mol Genet Genomics是SCI期刊吗?SCI期刊是国际上学术水平较高的核心刊物,想要提升国际影响力且是理工科领域的作者,选择发表SCI论文是很不错的。只是SCI论文发表是有一定难度的,要提前了解清楚期刊的要求。

Mol Genet Genomics是SCI期刊吗

  经查询,Mol Genet Genomics是SCI3区期刊,属于分区比较靠后的刊物,选择期刊投稿,期刊的级别、征稿要求以及类型都是要了解清楚的。提前查询期刊的内容,并做好准备。接下来,详细的介绍一下期刊内容:

  Mol Genet Genomics





  期刊简介:Molecular Genetics and Genomics (MGG) publishes peer-reviewed articles covering all areas of genetics and genomics. Any approach to the study of genes and genomes is considered, be it experimental, theoretical or synthetic. MGG publishes research on all organisms that is of broad interest to those working in the fields of genetics, genomics, biology, medicine and biotechnology.

  The journal investigates a broad range of topics, including these from recent issues: mechanisms for extending longevity in a variety of organisms; screening of yeast metal homeostasis genes involved in mitochondrial functions; molecular mapping of cultivar-specific avirulence genes in the rice blast fungus and more.

  综上是针对Mol Genet Genomics是SCI期刊吗的内容介绍,仅供参考,如果有人员想要了解更多关于SCI期刊的内容,可以咨询本站的学术顾问为您解答。
