
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research是sci几区期刊

所属栏目:SCI相关知识 发布时间:2023-09-21浏览量:799   

  Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research是sci几区期刊?sci期刊在国际上的影响力是比较大的,想要提升国际知名度,发表sci论文是很好的选择。投稿之前要了解清楚期刊的要求。

Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research是sci几区期刊

  经查询,Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research是sci3区期刊,属于sci分区比较靠后的刊物,是有一定发表难度的,要提前了解清楚期刊的要求并做好准备。每本期刊的征稿方向都是不同的,接下来,详细的介绍一下期刊内容:

  Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research





  期刊简介:JAIR(ISSN 1076 - 9757) covers all areas of artificial intelligence (AI), publishing refereed research articles, survey articles, and technical notes. Established in 1993 as one of the first electronic scientific journals, JAIR is indexed by INSPEC, Science Citation Index, and MathSciNet. JAIR reviews papers within approximately three months of submission and publishes accepted articles on the internet immediately upon receiving the final versions. JAIR articles are published for free distribution on the internet by the AI Access Foundation, and for purchase in bound volumes by AAAI Press.

  综上是针对zhenduiJournal of Artificial Intelligence Research是sci几区期刊的内容介绍,仅供参考,如果有人员想要了解更多关于sci期刊的内容,可以咨询本站的学术顾问为您解答。
