
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics是SCI期刊吗

所属栏目:SCI期刊 发布时间:2023-12-02浏览量:440   

  IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics是SCI期刊吗?投稿之前要查询清楚期刊级别,不同级别的期刊对论文的要求也是不同的。大家看到英文期刊可能会觉得是核心期刊,其实也不是的,英文期刊也有核心期刊、普刊之分,不一定所有的英文期刊都是核心期刊。

IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics是SCI期刊吗

  经查询,IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics是SCI1区期刊,属于SCI期刊中比较顶级的刊物,对论文的要求是比较高的。发表SCI论文之前要了解清楚期刊的征稿要求、征稿方向以及级别。每本期刊的征稿要求都是不同的,接下来,详细的介绍一下。

  IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics






  期刊简介:The IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics journal covers all issues of widespread or generic interest to engineers who work in the field of power electronics. The Journal editors will enforce standards and a review policy equivalent to the IEEE Transactions, and only papers of high technical quality will be accepted. Papers which treat new and novel device, circuit or system issues which are of generic interest to power electronics engineers are published. Papers which are not within the scope of this Journal will be forwarded to the appropriate IEEE Journal or Transactions editors. Examples of papers which would be more appropriately published in other Journals or Transactions include: 1) Papers describing semiconductor or electron device physics.

  IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 期刊涵盖了电力电子领域工程师广泛或普遍感兴趣的所有问题。期刊编辑将执行与 IEEE Transactions 同等的标准和审查政策,并且只接受技术质量高的论文。发表处理电力电子工程师普遍感兴趣的新型设备、电路或系统问题的论文。不属于本期刊范围的论文将转发给相应的 IEEE 期刊或 Transactions 编辑。更适合在其他期刊或交易中发表的论文示例包括: 1) 描述半导体或电子器件物理的论文。

  以上是针对IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics是SCI期刊吗的内容介绍,仅供参考,如果有人员想要了解更多关于SCI期刊的内容,可以咨询本站的学术顾问为您解答。

